About Bunn, The Mom Blogger


You know, I just love documenting people and now I have an extra special reason to do it daily… When I finally became a mom, after waiting 15 years for this title, I get to be my son Oliver’s personal director.


My first documentary “gig” actually started with Romie’s mom whom lived with us for nearly a decade and struggled with Dementia. I kept a photo journal on Instagram called The Lola Diaries. After she had passed on, we became parents to a beautiful little baby boy whom we named Oliver. Now, this account is of our new life after infertility and adoption. Follow us on Instagram at Cup of Bun!


I’ve photographed families for 14 years, now I am a mom after 15 years of infertility. God had a plan for me all along, but it wasn’t until March 7, 2017, that I realized what He had designed for my future. Through open adoption my husband and I finally became parents. It was the one dream we both dreamt of for over 15 years and never thought it would come true for us… We were wrong. Oliver Tate Salarzon found us on that fateful day. We are his and he is ours, forever. → Read More

We’ve been so blessed by Oliver that our adoption story was secretly submitted then chosen by a local baker Sugar Geek Show as part of their regular appearances on the Food Network’s show Ridiculous Cakes. How awesome was that?! It was such a surreal experience and one that we will never forget. Have you seen our episode with the 3-foot-tall-larger-than-life Irish bear cake designed by Liz Marek?! It was just incredible! Oh, and the cake was so yummy! We didn’t even want to cut into it.

(Header images by ANIKO Photography; shot on location at Opal 28 for Oliver’s first birthday party.)